Your Vote Counts!

Your Vote Counts!

Please visit the TCK Publishing Readers Choice award voting page at the link below and vote for your favorite book. Your action will help support your favorite authors.

Of course, I humbly appreciate if anybody finds my entry, under fantasy, which is listed on page 8, deserving of their consideration.

My entry, Midnight in the Garden of Doom, is the fourth and final book in the Legend of Sithalkaan series. Unlike the previous 3 books, which were set in feudal Japan, this prequel transports you to ancient China during a period of upheaval within the Tang Dynasty–a thousand years before the main story line. Think of it as the “origin story” of Sithalkaan. I hope you enjoy browsing the collections of books on offer. And if you enjoyed my previous books, or are intrigued by my latest offering, that is great too.

You can find Midnight in the Garden of Doom here and the series page on Amazon here.

Thank you for your consideration!

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