Midnight in the Garden of Doom

Midnight in the Garden of Doom

Part IV of The Legend of Sithalkaan

The fourth and final book in The Legend of Sithalkaan series will transport you back 1,000 years from the time frame of the first 3 books and expose the true story behind the legend.

MitGoD_FrontCover_SmallA troubled princess yearns for freedom.

An ageless sorcerer squirms before a master he detests.

A greedy marauder seeks cities of gold.

Imperial China had few enemies in the west. Emperor Gaozong’s father had already defeated the pesky Göktürks that threatened the western fringes of the Empire and secured a tenuous peace with the Tibetans. Prosperity followed as trade boomed, free from the specter of raids.

But a new menace gathers beyond the mountainous ranges that protect the Silk Road.

A love denied by murder has summoned the wrath of the dragon. As the death toll rises, the guilty flee, racing toward the only dominion that promises safety: Imperial China.

A campaign of vengeance shall plunge two determined foes into an epic struggle in the scorching desert sands.

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